Michael Pressler
Robert Bosch GmbH
Speech Title: Towards Reliable Distributed Edge-Cloud Applications
BIO: Michael Pressler is a research engineer for cyber-physical systems engineering at Bosch Corporate Research in Stuttgart, Germany. Michael studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe and worked at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe. He joined Bosch in 2015. He worked on several topics at Bosch from system design and performance analysis for embedded multi-core systems, building mixed-criticality integration platforms and reliable distributed systems in industrial automation. He is currently leading a research activity for safe & predictable architectures for distributed real-time applications.
Abstract: “Software-defined vehicles” are pressuring the automotive industry to adapt to new development paradigms. New innovate approaches and HW/SW architectures for vehicles are required to develop and deploy software in the future. This shift in software development will result in a higher degree of freedom to deploy software not only in-vehicle. It will enable vehicles to expand towards off-board edge- and cloud services.
This change is already in place for services that are not critical for the operation of vehicles like entertainment and navigation systems. Thinking further ahead we are facing the introduction of latency- and safety-critical computing tasks that are performed outside of the vehicle leading into a breakthrough technology we call “Reliable Distributed Systems” (RDS).
Complementing limited onboard compute with edge/cloud compute as well as enriching on-board sensory with information from external sources like other vehicles and/or infrastructure enables more complex applications or even collaborative control of vehicles. Realizing this will lead to new challenges approaches from end-to-end application-level latency management to new ways of addressing automotive safety systematically.
RDS is the basis for a paradigm shift in the way intelligent and autonomous systems will be built in future. It allows information from individual systems to be reliably fused into a real-time distributed world model enabling better and more intelligent decisions. This will not be limited to automotive systems but can also expand and enable novel applications system architectures in a variety of domains from industrial automation over building automation to consumer robotics.
More speakers to be announced.